Sunday, June 24, 2012


Pastor Watson's Message: God Has His Hands On You
Based Out of Ezekiel 37:1-6

What you're going through may be your situation but not your destination

God is a deliverer - he brings us out, over, and through our trials and tribulations
Sometimes God sits us down - how he disciplines us

He wants us to know that SIN does have consequences
SIN will hurt you and make you hurt yourself
Ex. Alcohol paralyzes human thought

The impact of whatever you are going through increases the longer you go through it

In order to develop you God has to discipline you

As a child of God, nothing in your life is accidental, incidental, or coincidental it's providential

  • Occurring at a favorable time; opportune.
  • Involving divine foresight or intervention.

  • God promises to restore, resurrect, and redeem us

    Where you are doesn't determine where you are going

    If you've been called and annointed, sometimes God will lead you into a mess to set you up for a miracle

    Sometimes when we think we are lost we are actually being lead (Let God Lead You)
    If there was never a test, you wouldn't have a testimony

    God orders our steps
    Permits us to stumble and
    Keeps us from falling

    GPS (Global Positioning System vs. Godly Positioning System)  
    Sometimes God works the same way as a GPS
    Sometimes when God is leading you, it may be unfamiliar to you, but trust that he is getting you there quickly, safely, and efficiently (the best way possible)

    We need to pray that God will help us to see our situation clearly so we will not be misled

    We need to have a clear vision of who we're in a relationship with

    It takes more than money to give you meaning

    It takes more than a job to give you joy

    Muhammad Ali said this:
    "The title is what they took from me, but a champion is who I am"

    Don't talk about what you see, say what God says

    Monday, June 11, 2012


    What is God's Will?        
       One of the first things I learned to do in my relationship with God was to ask questions.  
       Because once I started directing my questions at God, he started giving me answers.
       The most powerful thing we can get from God is the TRUTH.  No one can give you the
       truth better than the creator of history himself....JESUS

    Matthew 6:33
    But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

    For Believers: We need to focus on understanding God's Will as it pertains to our ressurrected life in Christ.